Selecting mixed types of university engagement strategies with foreign student based on fuzzy multi-period model

  • Gresko A.A.

    Candidate of Economical Sciences, Docent of Mathematics and Modeling Department; e-mail:
    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia

  • Solodikhin K.S.

    Doctor of Economical Sciences, Professor of Mathematics and Modeling Department, Head of Strategic Planning Lab; e-mail:
    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia


The aim of the work is to develop and approbate the method of selecting mixed types of university engagement strategies with foreign students based on fuzzy multi-period model for selecting mixed types of stakeholder engagement strategies of the company. The advantages of using the fuzzy model in comparison with the previously proposed ones are shown. The selection of foreign students as a separate relevant stakeholder group associated with a significant increase in its importance in the functioning of most national universities. The method is described on the example of Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. International activity is an integral part of the University’s development, taking into account the peculiarities of cross-border territorial location. The specificity of the resource exchange of the University with foreign students is shown. Three possible scenarios for the development of relations between the University and the stakeholder group are described. Mixed strategies for interaction between the University and the stakeholder group are proposed. Their advantages are shown in comparison with pure strategies. “Bottlenecks” in the system of interaction of the University with foreign students are defined.

Keywords: stakeholder groups, engagement strategies, fuzzy model, multi-period model, mixed strategies.